Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Explain the directory structure of a WEB application?

In Enterprise section for diagram: J2EE deployment structure and explanation in this section where MyAppsWeb.war is depicting the Web application directory structure. The directory structure of a Web application
consists of two parts:
􀂃 A public resource directory (document root): The document root is where JSP pages, client-side classes
and archives, and static Web resources are stored.
􀂃 A private directory called WEB-INF: which contains following files and directories:
􀂃 web.xml : Web application deployment descriptor.
􀂃 *.tld : Tag library descriptor files.
􀂃 classes : A directory that contains server side classes like servlets, utility classes, JavaBeans etc.
􀂃 lib : A directory where JAR (archive files of tag libraries, utility libraries used by the server side classes)
files are stored.

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