Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Did you have to use any design patterns in your Java project?

Yes.Strategy,Iterator, Decorator,Visitor,Singleton, Factory,
Command, and MVC in Java section.
Why use design patterns, you may ask (Refer Q5 in Enterprise section). Design patterns are worthy of mention in
your CV and interview. Design patterns have a number of advantages:
􀂃 Capture design experience from the past.
􀂃 Promote reuse without having to reinvent the wheel.
􀂃 Define the system structure better.
􀂃 Provide a common design vocabulary.

Some advice if you are just starting on your design pattern journey:

􀂃 If you are not familiar with UML, now is the time. UML is commonly used to describe patterns in pattern
catalogues, including class diagrams, sequence diagrams etc. (Refer Q106 - Q109 in Enterprise section).
􀂃 When using patterns, it is important to define a naming convention. It will be much easier to manage a project
as it grows to identify exactly what role an object plays with the help of a naming convention e.g.
AccountFacilityBusinessDelegate, AccountFacilityFactory, AccountFacilityValueObject, AccountDecorator,
AccountVisitor, AccountTransferObject (or AccountFacilityVO or AccountTO).
􀂃 Make a list of requirements that you will be addressing and then try to identify relevant patterns that are

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